the OMGoddess.


mondays = triple science with maths and english. chemistry and biology made their own significant impact on me like it always does. physics seemed like it was never there. maths was a good revision lesson. english was an interesting peer editing session. and i'm all with bonding right now. ionic and covalent and soon to come metallic, that is. the day was fun, with my two crazy neighbours on both sides of my desk. they're natural amusement species. i think they're physical strength level got mixed up. today i laughed my heart out during lessons especially twice. one was the hiccough another was the cannon ball. and i've learnt something - wad you want never happens when you want it to happen. but it happens when you're not hoping for it to happen. so obviously something like this happened that's why i'm relating this lesson to you. plus i love getting beautiful shocks but not those chest pains i suffer as the results of my heart stopping. i had two of it today. think i was on the verge of being hospitalized. hahaha. (: