the OMGoddess.


i'm not racist against browns. lol, random? lets keep it short for today, i've wasted sufficient electricity. lol, i just read the letter the residents received regarding coservation of energy. and i'm feeling the heat real bad, cause neither the air con is switched on or the fan, nor there is wind blowing in from outside. so yea, circumstances don't make it suitable for a post-writing session. still yes, last night, swati dedicated a post to me, cause we're crazy when we're bored. seriously thanks for that one. lol. even i have a picture for that.

complete the pending homework, thats top on my list now aye. okaay. hindi sucks. LOL. i'm hindi speaking indian. LOL, i forgot. so indirectly i suck? nvm, soon soon i'd drop hindi for the good of mankind. hindi u suck.