i feel like i've been neglecting this year old blog,
vell, i'm trying to spend a majority of my time in studying,
the freaking holidays are ending,
can i have more?
i can hear my phone vibrating, nvm.
okay, so yes, can't remember much of the other days,
yesterday, went to school for Guides.
Played with Barbie Dolls,
i christened mine - Madonna aka Medusa,
that's because the hair was sprouting everywhere.
& then i thought of eating my packeted tomato ketchup,
from Cafe Galilee since I didn't know what to do with my phone,
while the other sec3/4s oogled at that phone.
so yes, i started consuming it.
then back at home,
I realised mom's dragging me to a wedding.
& when i was back at home,
i realised i didn't study.
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