what a day, never had a day like this.. where my mum tells me how GOOD i was as a small kid.. well you see this is what she told me, i was a very neat girl and still am OK? just that then i would be extremely neat and wont make a mess but now i make a mess then i get irritated by the mess and i clean it up thats the only bit of difference.. The next thing she told me was that when i was young i sat down on the floor and ate like some beggar, she even has a photo as an evidence... my DEAREST and only sister took the photograph..
And now the most embarassing piece of news.. i used to play "bar-tan, bar-tan" ok its in hindi or bhojpuri, i'm not sure which lang cause both sound the same.. but it basically means PLATES, it's just repeated like how people say they're playing "doctor, doctor" the same way i played "plates, plates" and i actually still can remember playing that.. i wonder who i served with those plates and the GREATEST thing abt playing that is that i didn't make any sound, i played quietly.. what a good child i WAS....
the only similarity between then and now is that i'm still somewhat the same but one prominant thing is that i'm as ever STUBBORN.. my speciality, i'm the stubborn-est brat of the first degree in this whole universe..
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