hi. i'm mad. anyways. i watched asian idol last night. only got to watch the 1st song of each idol, didnt get to watch their second songs. but yea, Abhijeet Sawant wasn't gd in de english song. ((: but i din vote for him or anyone else, SINCE my brother has my phone. its up to him to vote now. and there is a 50% chance that i might get a new phone no. SINCE a thousand and one people know my number thanks to my brother. had karate today, woke up late, din eat breakfast, reached de dojo, students asking me - "did vishwajeet come?" - "did your brother come", i BLACKED n BLANKED out too. lol but one thing i found funny n might some rascist to some but today all the black-belts were indians, even the instructor. AND cheers to those girls who came today, cause you really made the boy:girl ratio increase! going for a wedding tonight with my sister for her friends wedding, - south indian wedding. okeas. so now. bye. ya.
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