the OMGoddess.



BATDIVA! says: u should obviously have time

ROSHNI! says: that's what you think.

BATDIVA! says: i dont think tht

BATDIVA! says: i know

BATDIVA! says: and i have proof loser.

BATDIVA! says: and i m not fighting

ROSHNI! says: how would I know?

BATDIVA! says: i have been since many days

ROSHNI! says: I just signed in and then WOAH.

BATDIVA! says: tolerating whatever nonsense u've been doing


ROSHNI! says: what's the nonsense btw.

BATDIVA! says: alot roshni

ROSHNI! says: name it.

BATDIVA! says: u should noe it. stop pretending

ROSHNI! says: if i nvr do anything wrong, why should i pretend?

BATDIVA! says: i have tolerated enough, and now i m gonna make sure ur insulted and u'll have to cover ur face with a paper bag whenever u enter hindi school

ROSHNI! says: tell me, what have i done?

ROSHNI! says: you have nothing to say then what you talking?

BATDIVA! says: oh, i have alot to say

ROSHNI! says: say it than.

please do not hesitate to call me at (insert-handphone-number) if you have any questions. :)