the OMGoddess.


my 401 th post

It's the last day of Term One. Damn, why? Term passed so fast. And I can safely say, I managed to perform better than Sec 3's Term 4. Now , I'm determined to perform better during SA1. 

Determination goes a long way man. On a related topic, I was having a afternoon nap today, and I had an afternoon-mare. The creepiest part about it was that I dreamt I got 13 for my O'Levels. I don't want a 13. I want lower. Who doesn't?!?

Wait no, as I type, I realize it's Friday, the Thirteeth.

Now, to other news, my NEPHEW is extremely ADORABLE. I'm an Auntie (in English terms) and a Mausi (in Hindi terms). But if I forward 20 years later, I wonder whether the young generation then, would even addressing their elders with respect. Eh, 20 years later, I'd be 36. 

Anyways, I'm still elated to be an Auntie/Mausi. 

Congratulations to Didi & Jija!    

Kay, now the school aspect of my life. Duh, you know it's fun! What else to write about school? I go to school everyday to study. I have fun at the same time. My friends and animals are so fun. It's awesome being around them. I am not an extortionist. It's just my job to extort (in  a legal way).