the OMGoddess.


Ajeeta likes some things, some things she doesn't like.

She doesn't like some facts about the things she likes. She wishes they were never there. She doesn't want them to be there. She can't find a solution to fix the fact about the things she likes. But since facts are facts, what else can happen? But Ajeeta wants to change the fact. And she can. Ajeeta believes she can change the fact, later. Why not now? The obvious - it's not the top priority right now. Ajeeta shall wait for her current top priority to get over and done with. And after that, do whats to be done.

But right now, I need some ideas of how to do it. At least some basic idea.

I am serious about what I say nowadays. Life's tough, it doesn't suck. It's freaking tough.


Ajeeta's blog looks screwed right now.  It doesn't look user-friendly at all. What am I to do about it? Ajeeta's busy. Busy studying. Which is good! Now whenever you come to Ajeeta's blog, you'll listen to good music! Isn't that terrible? Okay.

Sidetrack*} Almost everyone's seeing that person, and straight away they tell me they've seen that person. Fine, you saw that person. What difference does it make to me now? I've adopted this attitude and I'm unfaced if you see that person at the MRT station or in school from the MPS. It simply makes no difference to Ajeeta now onwards.

Sidetrack*} Oh but I'm faced and difference is made if you see ANY member from Call. You know why? Because Ajeeta has just become a fan/supporter of a Pakistani band called - Call! Ironically, I listen to Hindi and English songs, but I don't like any band from the US/UK/Australia or India. I like a Pakistani band called - Call! Ajeeta likes that! 

Sidetrack*} I like sending people letters now! My letters are colourful and nonsensical. But at least they make you move a corner of your mouth! (That means smile!)

Ajeeta doesn't like to hiccough.


my 401 th post

It's the last day of Term One. Damn, why? Term passed so fast. And I can safely say, I managed to perform better than Sec 3's Term 4. Now , I'm determined to perform better during SA1. 

Determination goes a long way man. On a related topic, I was having a afternoon nap today, and I had an afternoon-mare. The creepiest part about it was that I dreamt I got 13 for my O'Levels. I don't want a 13. I want lower. Who doesn't?!?

Wait no, as I type, I realize it's Friday, the Thirteeth.

Now, to other news, my NEPHEW is extremely ADORABLE. I'm an Auntie (in English terms) and a Mausi (in Hindi terms). But if I forward 20 years later, I wonder whether the young generation then, would even addressing their elders with respect. Eh, 20 years later, I'd be 36. 

Anyways, I'm still elated to be an Auntie/Mausi. 

Congratulations to Didi & Jija!    

Kay, now the school aspect of my life. Duh, you know it's fun! What else to write about school? I go to school everyday to study. I have fun at the same time. My friends and animals are so fun. It's awesome being around them. I am not an extortionist. It's just my job to extort (in  a legal way). 


"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
Get working people, and stop reading this blog.
So lazy to upload weird pictures and weird things in school.



Last week, watched The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
with Lyn, Ajeeta, Feen, Shady
(in terms of sitting order in the theater)
*And coincidentally, we saw Felicia Chin filming too*
(I still don't recall seeing Felicia Chin in movies)
*I must be outdated in terms of Singapore-made movies*
And yes, I haven't been watching any Hindi movie.

Then on Friday,
I had a skin irritation,
which cause my face *the whole area below my eyes* to turn red.
So they were red, and swollen,
so I looked chubby,
and my cheeks were ultra hot.
Like hot, aka endothermic reaction.
And I was trying to burn Izzie with my cheeks,
and a few times I managed to do so.
She kept screaming out loud.

Later on in the day,
my face started itching like !^!$#
so Shmi helped me get ice from the drink stall!

During CCA, we just played and played,
which was fun.

On Saturday,
there was a hindi progess test,
or class test,
for the essay part,
we've got two topics to choose from.

1. Terrorism
2. About a movie which had a deep impact on you.

i chose no.2 and the movie was benjamin button
since it was the latest movie i watched,
and though it had no affect on me,
i crapped and kept staring at the paper.

*Yes, people did cheat.