the OMGoddess.
i'm traumatized. i can't rmb how and where i fell asleep last night. and this morning i woke up with this really wierd dream. anyways. i regret putting my name as ah-chee-tah now. but i like our class t-shirt, it's so comfortable. BUT. wherever i go they start saying my name. the same people somemore. like how is ah-chee-tah related with monsters with their hands in the air and standing on one leg? and yes, they keep asking people. have you seen a cheetah around here? yes yes, i'm the one and only cheetah. crazy me. now i can't think of anything nice to mention cause talking on the phone and blogging is pretty impossible.
imagine a class with the lights & fan on for like almost 5 hours with no one inside. well there was such a classroom today. kk. anyways, i wonder what people do at home, cause i have no idea what to do at home rather than study which i don't want to. but for people who leave all the books in school - wad abt them? i really wonder. went to jing shan primary to maths tutor them. like tutor them on maths. i hardly score well in the first place. and i've one question - in life, will there be anyone as stupid as to cover some beads and ask you - how many beads are there? well how does this apply? its like my buddy asked me this pattern question and i'm blanked out. but she's very sweet for sure. she scolded me also. p6 can scold sec 3. don't underestimate their power. and yes, i'm going to fail my english paper 1. [: i'm overjoyed.
i just feel so appreciative of my friends today. they're so nice. they're surrouding me even they live way up at Yishun and Sembawang. its such a sudden rush of my feelings. i'm still upset over my hindi results. people are calling me a noob for it now. oh my god. i feel so inclined to ghost stories now. i want more more more! [: please do share with me if you have any. i'd be like so interested. during social studies, fiqah, amira and i we're socializing amongst ourselves with ghost stories and throwing pieces of paper to jefferson with questions. then we're having two extra lessons right after school in a row. can u imagine that i was talking to lakshmi on the phone in front of Mr.N how cool. [: and lakshmi said that she can hear him very clearly. hehe. and yes, my brother left without me!! how cruel. and i was left to carry my heavy books alone. and thank god for dax lakshmi and haiys for being there to help me carry my books til the mrt station[: i'm so grateful to them. see, its a friendly world with the best friends you can ask for. but my phone is a big problem. the charger doesnt work. or maybe its my head. the battery dies so fast that before the school curriculum time ends my phone ends.
yuck. i think i'm like super sad. i got 63/90 for my hindi paper 1 and 92 for my paper 2. omg. that's like so low. i have to admit. pathetic. yuck yuck. ha. today is a day of suppose to be embarrasment for haiys. but it doesnt really seem to be that way at all now. more like for me. :\ i dun noe what i wad doing half the time. i've evidence as my wallpaper also. i din really mean to hide behind the seats at the bus stop and just stand there like some dodo. but hello. i rather stare at the head then go and knock on the glass window. and i want to noe, WHY doesn't the class relay system have EVERYONE's number. not fair eh. i shall tear the paper into a zillion pieces and write one certain name on everyone of them and throw it into my personal rubbish bin. omg i managed to shake off himesh reshammiya [:
do not be frightened by the man singing so unexpectedly in my blog. i just happened to come across his songs after what seemed like a century. it shall be removed soon. and yes. haiys i'm sure you've noticed it too more like heard. one name constantly coming across me today. mostly after recess. after english lesson at inspire town. one goes AMOL. then after school when i'm back in class. again AMOL. when i'm waiting for dax to come. AMOL. when i'm leaving school AMOL. why is AMOL so common everywhere. everyone seems to like know AMOL. then its like AMOL AMOL AMOL throughout. but ya, it brings a smile to everyones face. so it doesn't matter. lols. i feel so contradicting.
hot day. i think i make use of HOT every sunday. but really, i find it really hot on sundays. it never rains D: i'm more desperate for rain now. its such a lovely weather - rain. oh yes, my flu, its still on. why why why. there can be only two reasons for dis - 2 ice creams on friday or a dusty classroom on saturday. i'm amazed. oh yes. i can't imagine how funny i was last night. funny. today i kept staggering all over the house. thank god din fall down. overdose of medical drugs. D: i need to wear a knee guard. D: my instructor scolded me for not wearing it. D: my knee bone moved again D: some people have noticed that my left knee looks odd haven't you. D: lols. aqeel needs a thigh guard. hahaha. omg. sorry. i know david beckham and michael jackson :D
rudeness has its limit. honestly. fugly you. i'm nice. shall remain nice. being cornered in a dusty classroom for an exam is worse. it resulted in me getting flu. and now i think of it, i was pretty much isolated there. the teacher couldn't even reach me when handing me the papers. and i was like stretching my short arms to reach, and my fingers were dancing in the air. and at last rahul realised i need some help here. and we made a flu/cough symphony. it goes - sneeze sneeze, cough cough. and its repetitive. i'm crazy. crazy woman. i shall not mention my bus ride. cause the bus was so deceiving. kiran is fun to talk with. lols.
long day. the logic behind it? speech day. speeches are long u see. half day school and den i'm eating library feasting on ice creams with friends and doing projects. and i've an amateur messing around with my hair. and coming across very friendly ex-andersonians and andersonians also. and then decorating the canteen and serving drinks. and off to slacking during the concert by impersonating people. oh that was fun. haha. k. den yes, the exciting one. serving laksa to table 2. how omg can it get? omg omg. kk. how disgusting. i've hindi exam tmw. 8.45 am. can die. i never study. pro right? i din study for my class test either. those ppl whom i showed my marks can't believe wad i got either. soo. i din bother studying dis time round either.
i hate horning drivers. yes i do. stupid them i tell you. they don't even signal that they are turning and they simply horn and horn like no body's business. today i was exceptionally nice out of the bluest of moons. i finally brought sweets to class after like countless promises. and i indirectly figured out what nisyahiram actually means. and i got one anagram for myself also. all this was thanks to the one who can solve rubik cubes like no body's business and the new head of the same thing as the founder. i sound so complicated in my sentences :X daah. murder me brother please, i'd love to have a ghost drive me to school everyday.
waaaow. according to sources, all my expressions are similar. fascinating. and truely unexpected things have a likelihood to occur. yes, i'm sure both of us presidents have by now realised that our founder is sexy, gay and loved by all. well especially by 16 year old boys. it seems like our founder can charm his male classmates with his 15 year old tactics. darn, it sounds disgusting. well yes, i should control my voice level when i'm uber high. a real scenario would be during CME in the hall, i kind of criticized my very own founder just beside my founder with my loud voice. and yes, physics lab lesson today was in mayhem. i wonder if my school still has boys with male voices left. screams which sound like a girls' coming directly from a boy's mouth. abit odd. WAD ELSE? ok nothing much happened today though. i think..
saturday, i've no life. yesterday i was home only for about 1 hour only. and then i'm out the whole day. khatib to boon keng to city hall. wow. ok. and in hindi school, i want to ask who made that teacher our teacher for two whole years? she's one pain in the dunno where. she makes me think horrible things. last night was choir concert. superb. i like the supreme court now. i want both the victoria theatre, concert hall and the supreme court. haha. and i was calling upon the ghost of somebody yesterday. din seem to come. maybe cause he was still alive and around. today has been going well as far i can say, but my dreams are wierdd.
now its just you & me & this simple blog. i've decided to leave all the materialistic blogskins. omg. what a day it was. it started with strong cool wind blowing onto my face and all of a sudden it rains. when i get school, its announced there's a lightning risk and there's no assembly. ok. no assembly. sad. so the hours pass gradually and it felt so like no one was in the mood to study or teach. so we pass through recess without anything exciting and then we have maths. i've interesting reactions upon seeing certain people. this time i made myself suffer asthma. it was so unexpected. i just look out of the window and the next thing you see is me gasping for breath and pointing out of the window. i have to relax i tell you. relax la hello. and i'm so going to be busy tomorrow. as in i'll hardly be home for tmw. AND i just found out that my brother is going for the choir concert tomorrow also!
ok let me relate it to you clearly. i'm suffering from an illness i bred inside myself. i'm to be blamed for the worst side of me. i sound so emo. heck. i like stars. cause stars are blind. love is blind. gawd. ok. stop emo-ing la ajeeta. i'm getting famous. and i shall never try sleeping during a bus ride ever again. and i've heard claims that he is gay. another mission for the union. is he or is he not gay. we shall prove it. our hypothesis - he is gay. but research has it that due to hanging with ppl older than him, his childish acts seem gay on him. and all of them are going to run like maniacs on the run tmw. lets see how fast they run. can't beat haiys' husband for sure.
omg. omg. omg. i'm shocked with what i found so unexpectedly. omg. omg. omg. how cool can i get. wow. wow. WAH. ok. nvm. WTH. it actually came true. OMG. seriously. WOW. ok. ok. relax.
normal day. had prayers at home. school was just fine. i like chemistry. amok teaches you see. and there's ammonia or ammonium all the time. and then today we made glitter and somehow CHRISTMAS came to chemistry lab. and i another one took pictures of my house's prayer place and my house.
its like the whole place is red. thats why i like it hey. ITS RED.
thats a lamp. you know, "Candle"
thats the deity for whom the prayer is for. yaa.
1. Name something that made you frown today?
* not sure
2. What were you doing at 7:00am?
* sleeping
3. What were you doing an hour ago?
* watching I, Robot
5. What was the last thing you said aloud?
* work
6. How many different things did youdrink today?
* 2
7. What was the last thing you bought?
* ice lemon tea
8. What color is your room?
* some shade of pink (my sister's choice)
9. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
10. Vanilla or chocolate?
* chocolate!
11. What are you excited about?
12. Are you random?
* straight hair isn't gay!
13. Do you laugh a lot?
* hahahahhahaha
15. Are you ticklish?
* of course.
16. Are you typically a jealous person?
* hahahahahaha
17. Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list?
* swati!!
19. Do you chew on straws?
* yes
20. What is the next concert/gig you're going to?
* not sure
22. What were you doing at midnight last night?
25. Are you a heavy sleeper?
* no.
26. When was the last time you used a skateboard?
* can't rmb..
36. What are you listening to?
* all good things!
40. What instant messaging system do you use?
43. How are you?
* holding on.
44. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
* can't rmb.
sunny day. very sunny day. i hate sunny days especially on sunday. you can fry an egg outside. i hate eggs. and i dun like to go little india on sundays either. so many of those people. i don't like. but but its fun to see westerners. i play dis silly game with my mom when i'm there, to prevent myself from getting bored. for every westerner i see, my mom gives me 5 cents. lols. 5 cents. alot? noo. at first the rates were like $2. den it decreased, cause they were hell lot of them. so yes. today, we came across one man. and we helped him out in finding his way round little india. so at the end of it he was like Thank You, I'm John from Canada with an accent. i couldn't help but laugh. ppl wud think i'm crazy. i still can't get why i actually laughed.
it has been a long and interesting day. woke up in the morning and rushed to amk. just to find myself in a very complicated situation. i had no idea what i should do. smile back or ignore. anyways, i ignored, cause i totally freaked out. it was so unexpected it tell you. i was simply in my own musical world and then suddenly i'm the centre of attention. then there was viriya flag day and all. and when i started collecting i smiling smiling all. then no one seemed to be donating. after a while, i was like what the heck, donate people! so i had this pissed off face. and then suddenly i started getting donations. gawd. haha. then then ya, saw many people, strangers and even people i know. so after flag day, i "rushed" to hindi school. i din really rush, its like i reached school late by 30 mins. and when i entered, they were all taking the class test. and i was happily standing in front of admirer and checking out her answers until teacher realised i was in class. so i sat at one retarded corner at the back, and i finished the paper in half an hour. and then answers were flying every where. i contributed too. being how nice i am. then after recess we had the paper 1. i finished in forty-five mins. alamak. i like so wierd i tell u. finishing the papers so fast freak me out. so i fished out my phone and smsed admirer, to show how easy it is to sms during a test. then the two freaks in front of me realised i was using my phone, and then they started talking to me. and even THEY took our their handphones and started messing around with it. i can influence i tell u.
omgawd. it has been a depressing evening. like very depressing. i can't believe what i did myself. depressing.
omgawd. i'm done with my homework. i'm very good. i do my work completely without blanks (winks) so that my violent neighbour can benefit from me. note : the name mentioned has been altered to keep the identity a secret. this is what my neighbour in class once said MIZZIE MIZZIE (turns to me and says deaf) MIZZIE MIZZIE the scenario is that my neighbour is calling out to Mizzie who doesn't seem to respond lols. anyways getting away from my neighbour, it was raining like hell when i reached my bus stop. i couldn't even see 100m away. that was how bad the situation was. what was worst? i ran from the unsheltered traffic light to the sheltered walkway opposite the road. and as i was reaching the shelter i slowed down and out of nowhere, some person came crashing behind me. and this person din have an umbrella either. and was all drenched like me. and we were like practically dripping wet. and imagine two wet people crashing into each other after a long day of school. yuck. i imagine too much. ok nvm. wait. i din imagine. it like occurred in reality laa. and not only was there a crash but my name tag was also stolen in the process. i'm like what the heck. its a name only. you want then ask me nicely la. thank god, i've another name tag.
omgawd. i think i'm sticking to omgawd for this year. omgawd, i actually am. i love my friends! old and new. my new friends very nice. i love them alot. weh. my old friends ah. yu'll ah. hmm. i love you'll too. omgawd i sound wierd. anyways, ya, having stomach ache already. oh and the green people disappear all of a sudden and suddenly they appear out of a sudden. interesting people. and i'm looking forward for my tutoring sessions. and yes, erm. nvm. i forgot what i wanted to type.
i'm sticking to my lesson learnt as its coming true out of a sudden. however much i sound as if i enjoyed my day, i did not. totally. i'm all embarassed in front of my chemistry and especially my maths teacher whom i see everyday. i'm like shocked totally. i made a fool out of myself with my chemistry teacher. and then for my maths teacher its like so much worse. i can't express how i feel in words. but yes, i think its total humiliation cause the union's friends were not far away from us either. they were just there and saw the whole thing happened. i feel so guilty for doing whatever i did now. now i'll never look at BLUE math files from 4/2. )): and then there's more. i was walking towards the lift under my flat and then i looked up and saw 3 black horrible looking cockroaches with long long feelers or dunno what thing. and they looked yuck. i was screaming away until my neighbour came from school and asked me what happened. then i pointed at all those cockroaches surrounding us and he sed its ok, lets go. i was practically stuck with those bloody cockroaches for what seemed like an eternity. i'm horrified. and what can get worse. i came home and complained to my mom about those cockroaches. then i swirled around and saw a bloody cockroach on the door. i was like what the fish what the freaking hell. and my mum got the broom and dustpan and i ran to the kitchen took out the cold water and stood onto the dining chair. and my mom was removing the cockroach. mom you're great and brave. and all the while she was on the phone and relating to her fren about whats happening. and i felt embarassed again. oh my gawd. i hate cockroaches and humiliation. seriously. darn it.